Admission Requirements
The Master's degree course in Articial Intelligence for Biomedicine and Healthcare is open access, however, specific curricular requirements and suitable personal preparation are required to enrol.
In addition, the minimum curricular requirement is to be documented, and it is composed of a university degree or an equivalent/superior degree, containing at least 45 CFU in the following scientific areas:
- Mathematics (MAT/*)
- Statistics and statistics models for decision making (SECS-S/*)
- Economics and statistics (SECS-P/05)
- Informatics and engineering (INF/01, ING-INF/*)
- Physics (FIS/01-02)
- Biology (BIO/*)
- Medicine (MED/*)
Admission to the Program of eligible candidates is subjected to the verification of the candidate's personal preparation through an online test and an interview.
The test aims at verifying background knowledge in:
- Fundaments of informatics and principles of structured programming
- Computer architecture, software, and operating systems
- Computer networks, internet, protocols
- Relational database: entity-relationship model, logical design, SQL
Test exemption: all students who in current or past studies submitted with documentation (these may combine multiple degrees or consider individual exams recorded in addition to a single degree) include at least 25 cfu in Mathematics (MAT/*) or Computer Science and Engineering (INF/01, ING-INF/*) will not have to take the written test
Interview: All the students who obtained a university degree taught in English or at least 1CFU L-LIN/12 will be considered as in possess of a B2 or higher certification of language. All the other students can present a TOEFL/IBT, Academic IELTS, Cambridge English: FIRST-FCE, or similar certifications. The candidates who do not fit in these two described situations will be evaluated for their English competence during the oral interview of the pre-admission.
For test information (dates, times, deadlines) please refer to the How to apply page.
In order to prepare for the admission test, here follows the suggested bibliography:
- Dennis P. Curtin, Kim Foley, Kunal Sen, Cathleen Morin, Information Technology: The Breaking Wave, McGraw-Hill College, 1998, ISBN 0076014886, 978007601488.
- Walter Savich, Java, An intronduction to problem solving and programming. Chapters 1-6
- David Patterson, John Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition, 2nd Edition - December 11, 2020, Paperback ISBN: 9780128203316, eBook ISBN: 9780128245583.
- Kurose - K. Ross, Computer Networking: A Top-Down approach featuring the Internet. 6/e Pearson - Addison Wesley